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Historic Moment: First WVSU Nursing Program Graduates Set to Join Workforce

West Virginia State University’s nursing program has produced its first graduates who are now ready to enter the workforce. Seven students, surrounded by their loved ones and professors, represent the pioneering cohort that started the program in 2020.

Among the graduates are Halie Fields and Danielle Lebsock, who expressed their excitement at being among the first nursing graduates to represent their university. Fields noted the significance of her role in making a difference in people’s lives during their sickest moments, while Lebsock hoped that their success would lay a strong foundation for future nursing students.

Historic Moment: First WVSU Nursing Program Graduates Set to Join Workforce
Historic Moment: First WVSU Nursing Program Graduates Set to Join Workforce

Dr. Mary Sizemore, director of Nursing, expressed her pride and admiration for the pioneering graduates and offered them a last piece of advice. She emphasized the importance of kindness in nursing and encouraged the graduates to continue learning and growing while treating each other with respect.

Though the first group of nursing graduates may be small, Dr. Sizemore expects that the number of graduates from the nursing program will increase significantly in the coming years.

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