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Tyler Pipe’s longest-serving employee retires after 64 years of dedicated service

After 64 years of dedicated service, James Madison is retiring from his role as a bridge magnet crane operator at Tyler Pipe in Texas. Madison began working at Tyler Pipe in 1959 at the age of 18, and throughout his time there, he was known for his exceptional work ethic and dedication to the job. When asked about his retirement, Madison admitted that it will be difficult to adjust to not working after being active for so long.

Sandra Smith and Lester Kimble, two of Madison’s coworkers, have known him for several years and spoke highly of him. Smith stated that Madison was known as a hard worker who never complained and was dedicated to his job. Kimble also praised Madison’s work ethic, noting that he never missed a day of work and was an integral part of Tyler Pipe.

Tyler Pipe's longest-serving employee retires after 64 years of dedicated service
Tyler Pipe’s longest-serving employee retires after 64 years of dedicated service

At a retirement celebration held by Madison’s co-workers, family, and friends, Tyler Pipe presented him with a personalized pipe and a miniature crane model as a token of appreciation for his time with the company. Madison was moved by the gesture and expressed gratitude for the support he has received throughout his career.

As he embarks on his next journey, Madison will miss the people he has worked with over the years. Kimble and Smith wished him well in his retirement, encouraging him to enjoy time with his family and take a break from work.

To commemorate Madison’s first day on the job in 1959, Smith County Commissioners have proclaimed May 25 as James Madison Day.

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