Assassination attempt on Indian born author Salman Rushdie to give lecture event at NewYark .
The first assassination attempt in 1989 London.Idian born British American navelist was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) 1947 june 19. India.
Salman Rushdie married fout times .They are Clarissa Luard, Marrianne Wiggins,Elezebeth West and Padma Lakshmi.
Padma Lakshmi with Salman Rushdie.controversil navelist maitained two children.Yes would write again Satanic Verses he said.
Grimus was the first published navel in 1975.It is a scientific fiction tale.Second navel Satanic Verses was a big controversial navel in 1988.
FBI has been identified the stabbed person Hadi Mattar (24) from NewJersy. Rushdie lost his eye and damage his body siverly.
The big controversial navel Satanic Verses was provoked all muslims religious traditions.
Salman Rushdie second navel got Booker prize in 1981 for Midnight Children. and the contemporary american navel The Golden House was published in 2017.
Rushdie lost eye ,arm nerve and siverly damaged liver says agent. He is on ventilator treatment under process .
Rushdie lost eye ,arm nerve and siverly damaged liver says agent. He is on ventilator treatment under process .