Diet Coke

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Palm Tree

Diet Coke can seriously damage your health. If you like fizzy drink avoid it quickly. Why?

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Palm Tree

Experts say that soft drinks are not good, Its could be linked to weight gain, and obesity. 

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Coke and other cool drinks sodas are high in calories and sugar. These can cause many health problems.

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Diet Cola is loved by many advertised as a soda with no sugar or calories,.

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If you drink Diet Coke, drinking more than two Diet Cokes a day can damage your kidney function.

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Teeth: Fizzy drinks often contain citric acid, its damage tooth enamel. 

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Over Weight: sweeteners can increase your risk of gaining weight. 

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Diabetes: staggering 139 percent, doubles your risk of type 2 diabetes.  

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Heart: fizzy drink each day can raise your risk of stroke by 10 per cent.