Dominic Raab has resigned as UK Deputy PM

By Naveen

Apr 22, 2023

British Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigned from the government on Friday.

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shaking officials after an independent report he commissioned was highly critical of forcing out one of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's top ministers.

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Losing a third elderly minister in six months because of their particular behavior will hurt Sunak's shot at restoring his Conservative party's fortunes ahead of the original elections in May.

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upset Sunak's promise of an inclusive government when he entered Downing Street in October.

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arguing that he had behaved "intimidatingly" and "persistently aggressively" during his time as foreign minister, arguing that the report's findings were bloody.

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But he has promised to step down if the bullying allegations are upheld.

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"I have called for an investigation and will step down if it turns out there was any bullying," said Rob.

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