EYES: Top 10 Best foods for Eye Sight

By siva

October 15, 2022

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Peppers contain vitamin C. Useful to preserve and protect your eye sight.

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Walnuts contain omega three fatty acids which prevent eye problems.

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Salmon It contains Omega 3 fatty acids which helps to reduce the appearance of aging.

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Sweet potato is useful in reducing bacterial and viral eye infections

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Avocado contains vitamin B, C and E vitamins that prevent cataracts and eye problems.

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Blue berries contain antioxidants and rhodopsin regenerative properties that improve eyesight permanently.

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Carrot contains vitamin A which maintains beauty at night

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Broccoli contains B2 which protects the eyes from harmful light

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spinach is rich in vitamin K. Carotene found in greens is converted into vitamin A in our body and prevents blindness.

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C. Also prevents macular degeneration and macular degeneration